You’ve got to be tough to be a writer. If it isn’t the waiting for a publisher, editor or agent to get back to you about your work, you’re sweating over a deadline or receiving potentially unflattering reviews. You might even be getting bad news. You hear the stories about writers who had to submit their work dozens (hundreds???) of times before they finally found the ‘One‘. You know, the publisher who finally agrees to put their work in print. Hearing the stories and living them are two totally different things. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I’ve submitted my stuff dozens of times or even a dozen times. Still, each time I receive a rejection it’s another stone slamming […]
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A New Day has Dawned
It was a sad day when I posted my final entry for StartingWriteNow. I had been posting for almost two years and I was feeling a profound sense of loss. Still, the SWN team came to a mutual agreement of sorts; we all realized that for the site to flourish it needed to evolve. Unfortunately, none of us have the time to spend on that evolution right now. So the grand experiment ended… or at least has been put on hiatus. For me, dropping off the Internet is not really an option. I have a book currently in front of a publisher and my fingers are crossed that they accept it. If they don’t, I have two other publishers who […]
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