Double Trouble Shout Out

On August 8, 2008 or 08-08-08, Tee Morris and Phillipa Ballantine are hosting an event they call “Double Trouble”.  I have been following both authors for quite a while and I am a fan of their work.  I am also a fan of new-media; something they are both very involved in. Those two factors alone are enough for me to want to support their efforts.  Add in the fact that both write a mean tale and I’m more than sold.   For those of you who haven’t heard of “Double Trouble” before, it is Tee and Pip’s run at Amazon on August 8th, 2008.  They are asking us to go onto and order their books on that day starting […]

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A Change of Scenery

I like trying new things, especially new writing projects.  This is a relatively recent development.  When I first started writing, I knew what I should write (always write what you know or are most familiar with goes the common wisdom), so I always tried to force my stories into the Fantasy genre. As it turns out, that was a mistake.  I have since learned that some characters and/or stories fit a certain genre (say Fantasy) and some do not.  Sure, I could force them into the genre by trying to twist it/them, but why bother?  If it’s a good story, does it really matter if it’s Fantasy or not? This realization came while I was doing my 30-in-30 self challenge. […]

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Let me start by saying patience isn’t one of my strongest attributes. I’m all about instant gratification… or at least, I was. I have been working hard to develop the attitude within myself and some days I’m even moderately successful. I hope you also note that this post is a few hours later than most of my Wednesday offerings. I wanted a subtle irony to be present; you the reader need to practice what I’m preaching :). Too subtle? I thought it might be since it almost escaped me and I was the one planning it. That’s why I explained it. Now I know. But why is patience important to a writer? Oh there are so many reasons! First, let’s […]

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So You’ve Sent in your Manuscript… Now What?

You’ve just completed your masterpiece, you’ve researched a publisher or an agent and you’ve sent in your work as per the submission requirements.  Now what? You could do like I did with my first manuscript and sit in anxious anticipation waiting to get word back… and lose sleep and maybe even some of your sanity.  Or you could start a new project. Are you getting any sense of which way I think you might want to go yet? Yes, I’ll admit it, I did do the first choice once.  Or was it twice?  Either way, I was going great guns right up until I sent the manuscript out.  Then… nothing.  That’s right, my productivity came to a complete standstill.  What’s […]

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