Get Published Episode 148 – Michell Plested talks Mik Murdoch 3

It isn’t often that I am on the receiving end of an interview but that is exactly what is happening in today’s episode. Get Published Associate Producer and my evil alter-ego, Jeff Hite talks to me about Mik Murdoch 3. It was fun being on the receiving end of an interview and talking about my process for writing the Mik Murdoch series. And while I have your attention, Mik Murdoch, The Power Within is eligible to be nominated for a Prix Aurora this year. If you are Canadian and would like to help me get my newest book into the awards, I would ask you to go to You need a membership but the cost will also gain you eBook […]

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Get Published Episode 147 – Nobilis Reed Talks About Erotica

There are genres out there that I know very little about. Genres where I have the wrong idea what they represent. One of those genres was Erotica. I decided to fix any misconceptions I had about Erotica by talking to a writer of the Genre. Nobilis Reed is a podcaster and writer of Erotica. And today, he is my guest for Get Published. Nobilis clears up many of my misunderstandings about the genre and provides a lot of great information. I enjoyed the conversation and I think you will too. And while I have your attention, Mik Murdoch, The Power Within is eligible to be nominated for a Prix Aurora this year. If you are Canadian and would like to […]

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Get Published Episode 146 – Alasdair Stuart: Podcasting is Publishing

I think when most people think of being published they automatically think of book publishers and having their books in book stores. I know, that used to be the first thing I thought of. But there are many other markets for stories including podcasts. Did you know that not only are podcasts publishing stories in audio form but there are several that pay professional rates? I knew about the former, but I wasn’t aware of the later. Today’s guest changed all that for me and I hope he will for you too. That guest is Alasdair Stuart. Alasdair is a writer, podcaster, host and publisher with Escape Artists. Escape Artists is not one but three genre fiction podcasts. Escape Pod, […]

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Get Published Episode 145 – LDCrichton Talks About Agents

Happy New Year everyone! Have you ever had the experience where you buy a certain make and model car and suddenly you see them everywhere you go? Chances are pretty good that it isn’t because everyone else suddenly bought the car like you. It is more likely because you are more aware of that particular car. Why do I bring up this little analogy? Well, it seems like everyone I know is suddenly getting an agent. I know that isn’t actually true but I have certainly seen a number of people make that relationship a part of their careers. I’m pretty sure I’m noticing it more because it has been on my mind a great deal lately. So, because it […]

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