Happy New Year!

Shocking title for a post, I know. Who else in the world would think to name a post “Happy New Year!” on New Year’s day, after all. I am nothing if not derivative. 2024 – A Year of Loss and Recovery I will be the first to admit, COVID knocked the wind out of me. Perhaps not physically, but certainly emotionally. Not only that, demands on my time were at an all-time high, elevating stress levels further than usual. We had cause to celebrate with the arrival of a new member of the family early in the year. Then, my mom passed away. Her passing wasn’t unexpected but that doesn’t make it any easier. I went from the person responsible […]

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Super Sonya vs the Woodpecker (pt 2)

Yes, you caught me. I cheated on the title of this post. Instead of “The Children’s book, pt 2”, I’m calling it by its actual title. Might as well start calling it what it is. To continue the narrative from Pt 1 As I talked about at the end of the last post, I was struggling to write a story for the proposed book. I had an idea but I was putting so much pressure on myself to create a “classic” that I was going nowhere fast. I suppose saying I was trying to write a classic is really overstating things. I had told a very high-level version of the story I wanted to tell to a friend who teared […]

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The new children’s book (pt 1)

I tried to tease you a little about my new children’s book in the last post. Whether that attempt to entice worked or not, you are here now and I welcome you. Perhaps you are interested in reading it to your own children or maybe you have always wanted to create one yourself. In either case, I hope my story will be of interest. Children’s book – the beginning I may be repeating myself, but I have wanted to release a children’s book for several years. Probably far enough back that my children would have read it (and they are adults now). Alas, I never really had a story to tell nor did I have a connection with a good […]

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Where do I begin?

Where do I begin? Those words ran through my mind as I prepared to write my first post in months. It isn’t like I haven’t thought about posting. Honest. But, I haven’t posted. I’ve been working on a variety of things, most not writing related unfortunately. There are the normal family activities, maintenance activities, work and volunteering. Note, I said most were not writing related. Not all. I have a project nearing completion that I am more excited about than any book I can think of. I have my first children’s picture book ready for release in February. Why am I so excited about this book? That is a question I ask myself regularly.  There are two reasons that come […]

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