GalaxyBillies – Episode 3

Hello Everyone,

In this episode, the humans finally have a chance to stretch their legs. They have been cooped up way too long since being kidnapped by the Grokmar and they are all going a bit stir-crazy.

They all decide to split up to do their own things. Betty Sue, Carol Anne and Bobby John go shopping while Jim Bob and Zeke go looking for a night on the town.

Five humans who have never left the mountains loose on an alien space station. What could possibly go wrong?

I hope you enjoy the show and, as always, you can call my voicemail line at 206.203.2031 or leave me a comment here or email me at galaxybilly at irreverentmuse dot com.

Also, take a moment to leave a rating and comment on iTunes. You will now find a GalaxyBilly feed there. Don’t make me beg now, ya hear!



  1. I had to make something happen eventually. I could only build up the story for so long. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m glad you enjoyed it. I already have some ideas to keep building the story for you.

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