Line Edits Complete – Scouts2 in Layout

We’re almost there. That single statement fills me with both joy and dread. Joy that I will be sharing a book that I think readers will enjoy/Dread at the possibility readers might not enjoy it. I think that Joy/Dread cycle probably exists for every single writer out there. Realizing that is what keeps me moving forward. That, and I believe in the book. I think it’s a great sequel to the first book in the trilogy. Next steps: complete layout, generate the proof copy, proof the book, generate the eBooks and send it to the printer. I know those sound like a lot of next steps but, believe me, we are in the home stretch.

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Get Published Episode 113 – Self Publishing with Scott Roche

I have been thinking of self-publishing some of my books more and more the past few months. When I heard that friend and fellow author Scott Roche was releasing yet another book via self-publishing, I knew I had to pick his brain. And what better place to do that than on Get Published so I can share his wisdom with you? We had a terrific conversation that went much longer than my normal interviews. That being the case, I’ve decided to forgo the normal tips and typos section this episode. We talk about covers, editing, layout, distribution and promotion. It has only helped to fuel my desire to self-publish. I hope you get as much out of it as I […]

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Get Published Episode 91 – Mike Talks to Publisher of New Independent, Tyche Books

When I attended the 2012 “When Words Collide”, I had the opportunity to speak with a number of old friends and make a few new ones. One of the old friends is Tina Moreau. When I first, she was a young writer who also read slush for a local press. Shortly after that, she started to work as an editor for that same press. Then she took a break to start a family and I didn’t see her for a couple years. This year’s convention marks the first time I’ve seen her in a couple years and she came to Calgary as the head of a brand new publishing house. Tina is a co-owner and publisher for Tyche Books. I […]

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Get Published Episode 87 – Brand Gamblin Talks Self Publishing

Today’s episode is a bit of a departure for Get Published. Ordinarily, you will hear promos from various people or podcasts. You will get a Tips and Typos section about a topic and finally an interview with one of my special guests. You will still be getting all of those things, but today, they will all be related to Brand Gamblin. For those of you who do not know Brand, he is a self-published author of three novels currently, some of which are podcast. He also has several short stories published. Why am I dedicating an episode to Brand? I guess my best answer is “Why not?” He has a number of great things to say and talks at length […]

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