The Clock is Ticking

By this time, one week from today, some folks will already be at 10,000 words on their Nanowrimo book.

Pretty crazy, wouldn’t you say?  I know I certainly would.

Still, last year there were a couple people who claimed to be done their 50,000 words by day 2.  I suppose it’s possible, but I shudder to think what the quality of those 50,000 words were.

Maybe it went something like this:  “all work and no play makes mike a dull boy… all work and no play makes mike a dull boy… all” well you get the idea.

If it were me, I’d rather not bother at all.

No, I think I will take the high road and actually try to write something that can be salvaged into something presentable after Nano is over.  That only makes sense, doesn’t it?

Happily, I already know the subject of my story.  I also have some plot elements written down and a bit of the outlining completed.  Still, I know that I will be “winging it” as I write.  I believe Aaron sometimes refers to this as “Stream of Consciousness”.  It worked well last year, but I still want to be more prepared than I am.

I am planning on changing things slightly, this year.  Last year, my story was really a compilation of several different mini-stories.  This year I plan to have one or two main themes that are consistant throughout the book.

Last year I managed to complete my 50,000 words in 20-days.  As I plan on taking an extended weekend on Novemeber 22, I intend to do much the same this year.  That means I will need to average about 2,500 words per day or approximately 10 double-spaced pages per day.

Sounds like a lot, doesn’t it?

The good news is I can (with the aid of Word-wars) do that many words in 90 minutes.  I can’t count on Word-wars to get me through every day, though, so I suspect that I’ll need to find 2 – 3 hours every day to keep on track.

I know that 2,500 words per day appears to be a lot.  I also know that I won’t have 2 – 3 hours to spare every single day.  I may need to focus more on my weekly totals than my daily.  After all, I have a few more hours at my disposal on the weekends to help catch up if my word totals are lacking.

Somehow, I know I will prevail.

Am I feeling any anxiety?  Not yet, not really.  I know I’ve got a bit more preparation work to get done before November 1st.  I’m actually editing last year’s Nano book in anticipation of this year’s story.  I thought it would make sense considering the 2007 story is a sequel to last year’s (much like Terry is doing).  I’ll regain my familiarity with my main character so I can keep up his story.

I haven’t yet setup the intravenous caffeine drip, but that will happen soon.  I’m also putting a contingency plan in place in case my keyboard fails from excessive typing.  Happily, I also have a spare computer in case of laptop failure.  A little bit more detail on how the story flow goes and I think I’m ready.

Now, let’s get this party started!


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