NaNo 2017 – Day 20 – 45,000!

I knew I was close to hitting 45,000 words. I also knew I had previously scheduled activities going until later (in this case, my Scouts and I were volunteering for the Salvation Army’s Christmas Kettle program).

I got home about 8:30 and immediately sat down to write. As I got closer to 45,000 I started checking my word count. I was ready to quit for the night when I first checked; I was less than 500 words away. Should I go for it or not?

I decided to plunge ahead (again, checking my word count every few minutes). I wanted to leave myself something to pick up on for my next day’s writing but I also wanted to hit that magic number.

At 10:01 PM I did. It was either my single best day so far or my second best. Either way, it felt pretty awesome.

Challenges for the Day

A busy day followed by a volunteer commitment immediately after work. I didn’t get started my writing until 8:30 PM.Number of Words for the Day:  2,776 words

I am now setup well for the exciting second half of the novel. I am so motivated to keep going now it’s crazy.

How I Hit my Word Total for the Day

One long writing session of about ninety minutes.

Today’s Goal: 2,000 words

I thought about changing my goal to 2,500 words today and tomorrow to get my 50,000 out of the way by the 22nd (the same number of days my first NaNo took me). We shall see.

Number of Words to Date: 45,009 words

I hit the magic 45,000. 90% of the way to goal. It feels good, but not quite as good as the new momentum I’ve gained in the book.


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