It’s Real!

Last week Friday I received the author’s copies of my debut novel, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. That alone was enough to make this a fantastic month.

That encouraged me to finally build a Facebook group for the book (which I’ve been meaning to do for several months). I honestly have been dragging my feet on this because I haven’t been using Facebook much lately. When I have used the tool, I haven’t seen much in the way of reaction or response. I was really wondering if there was much point.

I was absolutely blown away by how many people have commented and “Liked” the group page!

I know I’ve talked about the fact that I’ve been worried about whether my book will sell or not. I feel much better based on the reaction of the group creation. I know that it will sell. How much is still the big mystery.

Those two events, the arrival of my books and the group page, really made this whole thing come alive for me. I’ve spent the past few months working hard, trying not to get too excited. I didn’t want to get too excited and have something not quite work out.

That holding back was making me feel a little too detached from the whole thing. I can assure you, I don’t feel detached anymore!

This is really the culmination of several years and thousands of hours of hard work. In that time I’ve completed a novel writing course by correspondance, written several books and even more short stories, accumulated dozens (hundreds?) of rejections and made many new friends and contacts. I’ve produced a writing podcast for more than 3 years and gone to several small and large writing conventions.

There have been highs and just as many or more lows. My resolve to stay the course has been put to the test and I’ve asked myself if I really know what I’m doing.

I can now, unequivocally state that it was all worth-while. The lows have taught me a great deal and highs have shown me why I have always wanted to be a writer. I now have confidence in my own abilities that grows with every new work I create. I simply cannot wait to write the next piece and share it with you all.

Thank you for all of your support. I value you all more than you can know.


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