It Has Been a Good Year

As I spend time with my family, I can’t help but reflect on the positives of 2012.

First and foremost, my family continues to be healthy and happy. My children are doing well in school and my wife is enjoying her job.

Get Published will hit its 100th episode in less than two weeks and I have many more interesting people already lined up for year five. The Action Pack Podcast is also going well.

On the writing front, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero was released August 1st and is gaining momentum. I’ve also got book two of the series under contract. The anthology, A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil is under contract and will be released next year. I’ve also got several other books under consideration by various publishers.

I have also made a number of new friends and contacts. I was able to attend When Words Collide and World Fantasy Convention.

All of these things are HUGE positive reinforcements that I have a great life and that my writing career is going the right direction. I am truly blessed and they make the negative things that happen to me insignificant.

Thank you to all of you that follow me/read my work/commented on my work/given me your time or supported me in any way. You are very important to me.

It was time I said that.


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