
As you may know, I have a book under contract with Five Rivers Publishing. That particular book is scheduled for release next year. I also have several other books written that I haven’t quite decided what to do with yet.

For example, my very first novel, a traditional sword and sorcery fantasy hasn’t had a great deal of success finding a publisher. The people who have read it liked it, but it hasn’t found a home yet. I’m considering a few options. The first is to podcast it as is. The second is to rewrite it and podcast it. The third is to self-publish as is and the forth… well, that’s the thing. I could keep going. The reason for the previous thought process is that I really like the characters. I want to write more with those people but I can’t really justify it unless the book is out there, somewhere/somehow.

I’ve also got a YA Mystery/Adventure story that has been passed over several times. My target age group audience  seems to like it. Again, I used a test group to read it and they all gave it a thumbs up. This one is on my radar to self-publish. I’d love to do that if for no other reason than to test the eBook and self-pub waters.

Then there is GalaxyBillies. I know I can find a home for it. It needs some revision but is in pretty decent shape. Do I use it for an agent search? How about a publishing search? Maybe it should be self-published too? So many considerations and all entirely valid.

Don’t get me wrong. This is a great problem to have. I just need to figure out how I’m going to go is all.

Personal Update

Need to make some decisions. I do believe my YA Mystery/Adventure will be self-published this year. The rest is up in the air.



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