Life…Not Much More to Say

I am learning never to expect things to go the way I plan. I was going to have my blog post up yesterday, but lo and behold, my hot water tank died yesterday, flooding my basement.

That meant my attentions were redirected to replacing said tank and drying out basement.

I’m sure you have all had your best laid plans fail because of events out of your control.

In my case, it has forced me to be a little less rigid in how I I respond to these interesting little roadblocks. I’ve got to be willing to let schedules be more transient (at least, those that can be) so I can keep things moving.

How do you deal with adversity? I would love to hear about your coping mechanisms.


One comment

  1. When I have problems, I either write poetry or exercise. I also make a list of my priorities and which ones should be done first. I probably have different problems than you though XD

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