Get Published, Episode 9 – Special Episode

Hello Everyone.

It is with a certain amount of nervousness that I present this episode. You see, I’m away on holidays but I didn’t want to leave you hanging. What to do? I decided that maybe it was high time I put a piece of my fiction up.

The story is one that I wrote about 10 years ago. It was originally done to “study” the world I was creating for my first novel. I wanted to get an understanding of how the culture worked, gods and so on. It seemed pretty good when I finished it and I ultimately sent it out to a magazine. Thus it became my first rejection.

Recording it, I have realized just how far my writing has come. Still, it’s not a bad story despite some of the writing flaws that I found. Have a listen and let me know what you think.


Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published, Episode 9

  • Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

0:14 — Introduction – Show #9:  Special Episode

Welcome to the show.

I talk about how I have never put any of my fiction out before and that it might be time. I also talk about how I will be using two Parsec promos for a little fun as ‘Get Published’ was nominated for a Parsec.

02:16 — Promos: 2008 Parsec Promo

04:16 — Show #9:  Special Episode (continued)

Michell reads his short story “Justice in Any Form
033:58 — Promos: 2009 Parsec Awards

36:32 — Closing

Please send comments. Please, please, please! Questions too 🙂



  1. Thank you very much. The only downside is I need to get busy and write some more. 🙂

    Thanks for all your support.

  2. I’m glad that I finally got to hear it! Well done!
    Really enjoyed the promos too! 🙂

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