Get Published Episode 26 – Writing Discussion with JR Murdock

JR Murdock is a Author and podcaster. He has written 9 novels and over 100 short stories, several of which are in print. He and I have a lot of commonalities in our writing journeys and we thought it might be fun to talk about what has worked and what hasn’t. It’s a fun conversation that I think you’ll enjoy.

I’m also very pleased to announce that the show has a sponsor. Paulette Jaxton is sponsoring several episodes. Paulette purchased the spot as part of “The Boom Effect” auction for Tee Morris’ daughter. You can find out more at

Thanks for listening.


Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published, Episode 26 – Writing Discussion with JR Murdock

  • Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

0:14 — Introduction – Get Published, Episode 26 – Writing Discussion with JR Murdock

Welcome to the show.

01:14 — Promos: The Empress Sword by Paulette Jaxton

02:45 — Feedback – Get Published, Episode 26 – Writing Discussion with JR Murdock (continued)

  • What writing tools do you use and more about cons
  • Email feedback at getpublishedpodcast dot com with your comments or call the voiceline at (206) 203-2031

08:12 — Promos: GalaxyBillies

10:00 — Get Published, Episode 26 – Writing Discussion with JR Murdock  (continued)

Mike and JR Murdock talk about their writing journeys.

1:01:47 — Promos: Archangel

1:03:40 — Closing

Let me know what you think and definitely use the voicemail line to your heart’s content!



  1. That was a great episode! Chalked full of the exactly kind of stuff I’m looking for as a writer who’s just starting out. I liked the parts about writing 2-2.5K word chapters, it corresponds with my latest blog post “Releasing Our Fiction in Bite Sized Portions”

    Excellent cast Mike! Thank you for putting out this great interview, I got a lot out of it and it was really fun to listen to.

  2. Glad to hear it. And I’m working hard to continue bringing quality guests like you’ve listened to in the past. Stay tuned. More goodness to come.

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