Get Published, Episode 12 – The Value of Conventions to a Writer

Hello Everyone.

I’ve been thinking about the value of conventions to writers lately, specifically with some wistfulness because I’m missing Dragon Con yet again. As you probably know, I’m a big proponent of self-promotion and what better place to sell yourself than at a convention? Listen in and hear more.


Get Published, Episode 12 – The Value of Conventions to a Writer

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published, Episode 12

  • Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

0:14 — Introduction – Show #12:  The Value of Conventions to a Writer

Welcome to the show.

00:45 — Promos: Variant Frequencies

01:45 — Show #12:  The Value of Conventions to a Writer (continued)

  • Dan has both a comment and a question courtesy of the K7 voicemail line
  • Email feedback at getpublishedpodcast dot com with your comments or call the voiceline at (206) 339-1258

06:44 — Promos: Goblin Market

07:49 — Show #12:  The Value of Conventions to a Writer (continued)

I talk about how a convention can help you as a writer. We also get comments from Tina Hunter at

21:17 — Promos: Personal Effects: Sword of Blood

22:37— Closing

Let me know what you think and definitely use the voicemail line to your heart’s content!



  1. Pingback: Writer Tina Hunter
  2. I’m thinking of building a small but tasteful monument to him. Heroic pose, holding a telephone to the heavens. Maybe in bronze. 🙂

  3. Pingback: Get Published #12

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